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Two Australian Lecturers Give a Workshop on Research in the Business Sector at FIA UB

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The Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), continues to take steps to develop its academic community with an international perspective. On Tuesday (25/11), the Department of Business Administration held a workshop on business research entitled "Making Sense of Doing Business Research: Multi-paradigm in Organizational Studies” which is located in the Meeting Room of Building B, FIA UB, 2nd floor.

Prof. Bambang Supriyono membuka acara didampingi Ananda dan Helan
Prof. Bambang Supriyono opened the event accompanied by Ananda and Helan

The workshop presented two business experts from Australia, namely Dr. Ananda Wickramasinghe (University of Wollongong) and Dr. Helan Gamage (James Cook University). Moderated by Dr. Andriani Kusumawati, a lecturer at FIA UB who is also an Australian graduate, both of them conveyed a lot about the existence of several new paradigms in research in the business sector. According to Helan, one of the speakers, today's academics in the business field must have the courage to take an interdisciplinary approach to expand the scope of the research output. He gave an example that when he was writing his dissertation on the topic of entrepreneurship, he also took several theories from other disciplines such as psychology to broaden his knowledge. "The current trend in the business world is also like that, starting to apply knowledge from various scientific disciplines. Today's students should not be surprised (by this development-ed)," he said.

Andriani Kusumawati bertindak sebagai moderator
Andriani Kusumawati acted as moderator

Meanwhile, the Dean of FIA UB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS., in his speech stated that he was very happy with the workshop and the presence of the two lecturers from Australia. He hoped that the lecturers and postgraduate students who attended the activity would be able to absorb knowledge as well as possible and be motivated to continue their studies abroad, especially in Australia. "With this activity, I hope that in the future we can collaborate with the campus where Dr. Ananda and Dr. Helan works in the form of student exchanges, lecturers, or joint research," said one of the FIA UB professors. (ALA/FIA)

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