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B-Fast (Facilitator Business)

FIA UB, B.Fast Committee. B-Fast (Business Facilitator) is a work program of the Business Administration Student Association (HIMABIS) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya with the aim of providing a forum for students majoring in Business or Residents of Administrative Sciences in particular, in the form of independent business applications engaged in advertising.

As for services advertising what is provided is to spread the advertisement through video that is played on the LCD screen on the main floor of Building B, print media (brochures, bulletins, posters etc.), social media (Twitter, facebook, web, etc.), and the simplest media, namely through word of mouth promotion. to mouth regularly in accordance with the agreement.

B-fast provides four categories in promoting products or services. These four categories can be selected according to business needs with various prices starting from IDR 65,000 – IDR 150,000. B-fast has a booth or outlet located in building B, the main floor of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya.

Booth services on effective days and hours of lectures at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. This is a brief description of B-Fast, for more details, you can contact the Business Facilitator's customer service. Thank you (B-Fast Committee/ Zaim/ Contact person : 082232418114) / @Bfast_himabis

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