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55th Anniversary, FIA UB Invites the Chancellor and Academic Community to Have a Healthy Walk Together

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Still in the atmosphere of its 55th Anniversary, FIA UB held a Healthy Walk for the academic community consisting of lecturers, educational staff, and student representatives, Sunday (20/9). Also attending the event were the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Deans in UB, and rectorate officials. Before leaving, the healthy walk participants were treated to freestyle soccer action that was delivered… Read more

ADIRAJA Softskills Development Orientation 2015

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ANNOUNCEMENT In connection with the 2015 ADIRAJA Softskills Development Orientation, all new students class of 2015 MUST ATTEND on: Day/date : Saturday / September 26 2015 Time : 05.30 WIB – finish Place : FIA UB Basketball Court The full announcement can be seen here. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Adiraja OPSS Committee 2015

Provision of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates Period II 2015/2016 Academic Year of Undergraduate Programs

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 13495/UN10.3/TU/2015 Debriefing of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates of the Bachelor Program Period II for the 2015/2016 academic year, will be held on: Day : Saturday Date : October 3 2015 Time : 08.00 WIB – finish Speaker : Wiwin Lukitohadi, S.Psi, SH., CHRM, Ristika Kurnia Nestiorini, SP, Linda Ilfiana Mahalesi, S.Psi, Andito Aryo Dwi Putro Theme: … Read more

Celebration of the 55th Anniversary of FIA UB, Simple and Solemn

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Entering its 55th year, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held the "55th Anniversary Celebration" on the day of its establishment on September 15 2015 today. In the event which was held in a simple and solemn manner, all FIA UB academics had the opportunity to attend, starting from lecturers, education staff, both those who are still active and those who are still active. Read more

Two FIA UB Students Won First Place in the 2015 Archive Awareness Community Forum Competition

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Two students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Arwin Anindyka and Erlangga Setiya Budi, succeeded in winning the 1st place title in the “2015 Student-based Archive Aware Community Community Forum Competition”. In the competition which is held every year by the Library and Archives Agency of East Java Province, the two of them who are registered as students of the Science Study Program … Read more

Softskill Development for New Undergraduate Students Class of 2015

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No : 028/Spn/PKK-MABA/ADIRAJA/IX/2015 Attachment : 1 file Re: Letter of announcement to Yth. All new students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya In connection with the OPSS (Soft Skill Development Orientation) series, we from the committee announced the following: New FIA students are required to wear an ID Card within the Faculty of Science... Read more

41 Amazing Years Tribute to Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin, Tribute to Professors of Anti-Corruption Fighters

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Prof.'s academic progress Dr. There is no doubt about Sjamsiar Sjamsuddin both inside and outside the campus. Apart from being a Professor in the field of Public Administration at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Sjamsiar is also keen to voice the eradication of corruption through the movement I am Women Anti-Corruption (SPAK) which he initiated. No doubt he was trusted to be the Chief Editor of the Journal… Read more

Lecture Schedule for Odd Semester Academic Year 2015/2016 for Undergraduate Programs

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The following is the Lecture Schedule for Odd Semester Academic Year 2015/2016 for Undergraduate Programs: Public Administration Study Program Library Science Study Program Education Administration Interest Public Administration Interest Development Planning Study Program Business Administration Study Program Taxation Tourism Study Program Interest International Business Thank you very much for your attention FIA UB academic

PKKMABA Repeat for Undergraduate Program Students Batch 2011 – 2014

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Announcement Following up and confirming the announcement of the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences Number 10988/UN10.3/KM/2015 dated 13 August 2015 which was previously published, it is again informed to all old students who have not attended or have not passed PKKMABA to register immediately and pay attention to additional announcements as following: Attributes of Mala Adiraja Distribution of Mala Platoon Floor Plan of Adiraja Platoon Layout of the Faculty of PKKMABA Tasks … Read more

Announcement for New Undergraduate Students Batch 2015 (Updated as of 31/08/2015)

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No : 020/Spn/PKK-MABA/ADIRAJA/VIII/2015 Attachment : – Matter : Announcement Letter Hello new students To Dear. All new students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya Assalammu'alaikum Wr. Wb. In connection with the upcoming PKK-MABA ADIRAJA FIA 2015, new FIA 2015 students who need information about PKKMABA can be present on: Day/Date : … Read more

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