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Surabaya State University Visits FIA UB to Learn and Explore Opportunities for Joint MBKM

This morning (24/3) FIA UB received a visit from Surabaya State University. The meeting was held in the Meeting Room of Building B, 2nd floor. The visit was in the context of elaborating forms of cooperation in the implementation of MBKM. Present to meet the Unesa group were the leadership and all the managers of the S1 study program in FIA UB. Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs Arik Prasetya, M.Sc., … Read more

Drive Pentahelix Synergy, Lab. Tourism Holds Tourism Seminar Series

The FIA UB Tourism Laboratory held a Tourism Seminar Series 2 with the theme "Pentahelix Synergy in Creating Resilient and Sustainable Regional Tourism" on March 18 2023. The activity took place in the Hall of Building E, 10th floor of FIA UB by presenting 3 speakers namely Drs. Arif As Shidiq. MH (Head of the Batu City Tourism Office), Dwi Lili Indayani (Gekraf … Read more

FIA UB Holds Meeting to Agree on Work Unit IKU

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a Leadership Meeting. The activity was attended by all work units under FIA UB, including departments, study programs, laboratories, agencies and institutions. The activity which lasted for two days from Friday (17/3) to Saturday (18/3) was centered in Surabaya. Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D said... Read more

Lecture at the FIA UB Mosque, the Mayor of Malang Invites the Congregation to Self-Introspection Ahead of Ramadan

Takmir Mushola Baitul 'Alim FIA UB and FORKIM hold routine activities every week, namely Inspirational Study Vol. 13 with the theme “Reaching His Love Through Ramadhan His Majesty” on March 16 2023. This activity took place in the main hall of the FIA Baitul 'Alim Mosque. On this occasion, takmir presented Malang Mayor Drs H. Sutiaji as a speaker. In … Read more

Peeling the System of Innovation in the Regions, Two Lecturers of FIA UB Launch a Book

One more book by FIA UB lecturers is present in the community. This time the book is entitled "System Innovation: Local and Regional" co-authored by Dr. Wilopo and Inggang Perwangsa Nuralam, Ph.D. The book will be published in 2023 through the UB Press publisher. Inggang Nuralam, representing the writing team, said that this book examines the essence of innovation that emerged in … Read more

Provide Students with Thesis Writing, Lab. SIM Holds Smart PLS Training

Undergraduate students are sometimes faced with difficulties using data analysis tools needed to complete research on their thesis. That's what drives the Lab. Management Information System (SIM) to hold "S1 Student Smart PLS Usage Training" on Saturday, March 11 2023 yesterday. This activity opens opportunities for students, especially those who are currently writing a thesis, to learn how to use … Read more

Department of Business Administration Continue Preparation for IACBE Accreditation

The Task Force Team of the Business Administration Department held a consignment to finalize the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) accreditation forms: Principle 7-9. The activity was held on Saturday, 11 March 2023, at the UB Guest House. This activity was carried out in preparation for a field visitation which is planned to be held in September 2023.

Three Taxation Lecturers Publish Consumption Tax Book

A new textbook by three lecturers of the FIA UB Bachelor of Taxation Study Program has just been published. The book entitled "The Concept of Consumption Tax: Value Added Tax (VAT) in the Digital Age" was written by Rosalita Rachma Agusti, Kartika Putri Kumalasari, and Devi Nur Cahaya Ningsih. The book was produced and published by UB Press. To the Team… Read more

Tourism Study Program Student Publishes Wellness Tourism Book

Three students of the FIA UB Undergraduate Tourism Study Program, Dwi Mauliddia Rosi Ardiyanti, Farida Rahmah, and Atikah Muamar Luqyanabillah, were actively involved in compiling a book published by the Culture and Tourism Office of Banyuwangi Regency. The book entitled "Wellness Tourism Ijen Geopark" tells and promotes the existence of the Ijen Geopark tourist area to carry out activities ... Read more

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