Taxation Course Structure - Semester 4


Course Structure

This course provides an understanding of basic concepts, strategies, development models and core entrepreneurial competencies. Through discussions, field visits, and Project-based Learning, students prepare a business plan, conduct a business feasibility study, and apply practical steps to start a business.

This course provides an understanding of the history, theories and concepts of customs. Through discussion and Cooperative Learning, students analyze trends, policy reforms, differences in customs practices in various countries in the context of export-import activities. Problem-based Learning allows students to understand actual issues and customs administration in Indonesia.

This course provides an understanding of the concepts, practices and position of tax accounting in Indonesia. Through discussion, and Cooperative Learning, students focus on analyzing differences in objectives, methods of recognition, measurement and recording of financial transactions based on accounting standards and tax policies. The demonstration method allows students to prepare financial reports for tax purposes.

This course provides an understanding of the history, theory, concepts and taxonomy of wealth taxes. Through discussion and Cooperative Learning, students analyze trends and differences in tax practices on wealth in various countries. Problem-based Learning enables students to understand the fundamental issues, criticisms, and advantages of taxes on wealth.

This course provides a deeper understanding of international tax concepts, policies and practices. Through discussions, students analyze differences in international tax policy and practice trends with changes in the global tax landscape. Through Case based Learning, And Cooperative Learning, students understand how to fulfill obligations, analyze actual issues, and create creative solutions to international tax problems.

This course provides an understanding of theories, concepts, policies and practices in the field of Regional Taxes and Regional Levies (PDRD) as a form of regional authority in managing regional income sources including the position of regional taxes and regional levies in regional finance.

This course aims to provide knowledge about public sector organizations consisting of non-profit organizations and government institutions, an understanding of the accounting process (accounting cycle) of non-profit organizations and government organizations both at the Regional Work Unit (SKPD) and Regional Financial Management Officer (PPKD) levels. ) as regional General Treasurer, starting from planning to determination, implementation, administration, accountability of the APBD. Accountability takes the form of government financial reports, which includes an understanding of the basic concepts of government accounting, an introduction to the types of financial reports produced in 1 period of the accounting cycle and an understanding of the application of government accounting standards (SAP) as well as the application of taxation. This course emphasizes aspects of theoretical understanding and application of skills in problem solving, using various case studies designed to be as close as possible to current cases (up to date) that may occur in a government organization.

This course improves students' ability to identify tax aspects in every financial transaction carried out by individual and corporate taxpayers. Through discussions, demonstration methods, and Case-Based Learning students calculate, identify maximum payment limits and report taxes using tax applications.
#MStudents can program this course after completing 57 credits.

The Community Service course is a course designed to encourage students to contribute directly to the community around them. The main focus is on the application of the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their education to help solve real problems and challenges faced by society. Community service can involve a variety of activities, including applied research projects, education and training, consulting, or other hands-on services. The basic concept of this course is to give students the opportunity to see first-hand how their knowledge can be used to help others and improve society as a whole. In addition, this course also aims to increase student awareness and empathy for social and environmental issues around them.
#MStudents can program this course after completing 72 credits.