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List of Yudisium Participants for the 01 August 2019 Period Undergraduate Program

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List of Graduates of Student Students of Bachelor Study Program (S-1) Public Administration Science No Name NIM 1 Roro Ayu Estiningtyas 155030100111037 2 RINGING NALINDRA 155030100111057 3 SITI MUKAROMAH 155030101111125 4 MUDZAFFAR ISMAIL 155030101111038 5 Dewi Nurkholilah 155030100111009 9 Astika Rahmawati Ardini 155030101111088 10 Donny … Read more

List of Participants in the Judiciary Procession for the Undergraduate Program for the Period of July 2019

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List of Graduates of Student Students of Bachelor Study Program (S-1) Public Administration Science No Name NIM 1 Intania Kumala Dewi 155030100111025 2 Inggrit Dian PRIANA 155030100111073 3 ENDAH DWI ASTUTI 155030100111031 4 GUMILANG RAMA PRATAMA 155030100111044 5 INDAH GITA CAHYANI 1550301011110 Fatihana Ayuni 155030101111035 8 Naufal Azaki 155030100111068 9 Erni … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Graduation Requirements for Period XII of 2018/2019 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 6920/ UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period XII TA. 2018/2019 specifically for the Undergraduate level, it is MANDATORY to submit validated graduation requirements files on: Day: Monday - Friday Date: 01 - 12 July 2019 Place: Bag. FIA UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours Thus, thank you for your attention and cooperation. … Read more

Announcement of Dress Rehearsals and Graduation Period XII for 2018/2019 Fiscal Year

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:: Dress rehearsal Dress rehearsal at FIA-UB Must be attended by Prospective Graduates Period XI, which will be held on: Day, Date: Friday, 19 July 2019 Time: 08.30 WIB Place: Hall, 4th floor of Building A FIA UB: : Toga and Invitation Collection Toga and invitation taking will be held on: Day, Date … Read more

List of Yudisium Participants for the June 2019 Period of the FIA Undergraduate Program

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  List of Graduates of Student Students of Bachelor Study Program (S-1) Public Administration Science No Name NIM 1 Ummu Fathimah Rokhman 155030101111076 2 Oka Ainul Fitriani Sopingi 155030100111030 3 Yuniar Marinasari 155030101111049 4 Vara Vara Veronika Dwi Putri 155030101111031 5 Indira Noer Rohmawati 1550301011005 6 155030100111091 8 Agnes Widiawaty Naibaho 155030100111035 9 Novi … Read more

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