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Announcement of Judicium June 2014

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 6583/UN10.3/AK/2014 Notified to FIA UB students that the Judiciary for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs will be held on: Day: Friday Date: June 6 2014 Time: 08.30 WIB Place: Meeting Room Building B Floor IV Printed announcement and stamped can be downloaded here. Thus to make attention. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

Terms and Guidelines for Writing Business Administration Journals (Update)

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In the context of compiling or writing research-based scientific papers in scientific journals at the Department of Business Administration, the following 2 (two) attachments related to this matter are presented: Terms and Conditions for Publication of Journal of Business Administration Guidelines for Writing Business Administration Journals So that it can become a concern. Thank you, Journal of Business Administration

Schedule of Even Semester End Examinations for 2013/2014 Academic Year for Undergraduate Programs (S1)

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The following is the Schedule for Final Examinations for Undergraduate Programs (S1) Even Semester for the 2013/2014 Academic Year as follows: UAS Schedule Even 13 – Public UAS Schedule Even 13 – Library UAS Schedule Even 13 – Government Schedule UAS Even 13 – Construction UAS Schedule Even 13 – Business Schedule UAS Even 13 – Taxation Schedule UAS Even … Read more

Implementation of Graduation Period VII Academic Year 2013-2014

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In connection with the fulfillment of the Period VII Graduation quota for the 2013/2014 Academic Year, we hereby inform you of the following: The graduation procession was held on May 31, 2014. There were no cancellations or replacements for graduation participants. The graduation dress rehearsal was held on Friday 30 May 2014 at 15.00 WIB at Samantha Krida UB. Faculties can take graduate invitations … Read more

Tax Olympiad 2014

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Taxation Student Association (Himapajak) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, held a Tax Olympiad as a forum to develop the talents and academic abilities of Taxation Study Program students. In addition, this activity aims to train and prepare students to take part in various off-campus activities. The requirements to take part in this Tax Olympiad are: 1) Participants are active students of the Tax study program, … Read more

Announcement of Judicium May 2014

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 5328/UN10.3/AK/2014 Notified to FIA UB students that the Judicium for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs was held on: Day: Friday Date: May 9 2014 Time: 08.30 WIB Place: Meeting Room Building B Floor IV Printed announcement and stamped can be downloaded here. Thus to make attention. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

UPDATE: Latest Faculty Letterhead as of April 2014

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Notified to the entire academic community of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences that currently a new letterhead is being implemented. Therefore it is expected to be able to make adjustments to official documents related to downloading here. Thank you, FIA UB Web Admin

UTS Follow-Up Even Semester Academic Year 2013/2014

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In the following, you can download a list of names of students who are entitled to take the Final UTS for Even Semester Academic Year 2013/2014, as attached here. Note: For students whose names are listed in the list above, but who have not completed the supplementary exam data (NIM, Subjects, Classes and Supporting Lecturers), please contact the Academic Subdivision no later than April 28, 2014 Exceeding the provisions... Read more

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