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Changes to the Examination Room related to Workshop Activities

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 239/UN10.3/AK/2015 In connection with the "Curriculum Workshop", UAS activities on: Day: Thursday Date: 15 January 2015 Time: 07.30 ; 10.00; 13.00 ; 15.15 WIB Room: A4.02 Moved to: C3.03 (Hall of Building C, 3rd Floor) That way to get attention. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

Odd UAS Schedule for 2014/2015 Academic Year (Additional)

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Adm. Science Study Program Business 1. Business Policy Seminar – Class A – Day/Date: Tuesday, 13 January 2015 – Time: 10.00 WIB – originally in Room: B5.01 and B5.02 – moved to Room: F1.02 and F1.03 —— ———————————————————————————————— Adm. Public 1. Public Management Theory (Monday, 12 January 2015, 13.00 WIB) – Class A – Previously … Read more

Prerequisites for taking the Final Semester Examination for Undergraduate Programs

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Notified to all undergraduate program students, announcements related to subject categories can be seen in each SIAM. Students whose attendance is less than 80% cannot take the 2014/2015 Odd Semester Final Examinations. Clarifications regarding absences can be found in the Presence Section of each study program (Academic Subdivision Lt.1 Building B FIA) a maximum of 3 (three) days before the implementation of the eye examination. Read more

PK2MABA Pass Certificate for Undergraduate Program Students

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In connection with the 2011-2013 New Student Campus Life Introduction (PK2MABA) activities, for students who have passed PK2MABA but have not yet received a certificate and for students who have lost their certificate, BEM FIA 2014 facilitates these two things so that the students concerned can pursue them. Following are some related files that can be downloaded: Announcement Sample Certificate of Such Procedure so that you can … Read more

Schedule of Final Examinations for Odd Semester Academic Year 2014/2015 for Undergraduate Programs (S1)

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The following is the schedule for the 2014/2015 Odd Semester Final Examinations for Undergraduate Programs (S1) as follows: Public Administration Science Government Administration Development Planning Library Science Business Administration Taxation International Business Hospitality and Tourism So that it can be a concern. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

South Korean Library Expert Appointed to Become Guest Lecturer in Library Science Study Program

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Unlike usual, today, Wednesday (17/12), the Introduction to Archiving class got the special opportunity to learn directly from Prof. Jungyeoun Lee, an expert in Library and Information Science from South Korea. Accompanied by Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, the lecturer in charge of the course, for about an hour Lee explained the ins and outs of the world of literature in the Indonesian context, … Read more

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Announcement of Judicium December 2014

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 16233/UN10.3/AK/2014 Notified to FIA UB students that the Judiciary for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs was held on: Day: Wednesday Date: 31 December 2014 Time: 08.30 WIB Place: Hall Building A Floor IV Announcement printed and stamp can be downloaded here. Thus to make attention. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

Guest Lecture from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

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Students of the Public Administration Science and Government Administration Science Study Program are notified to attend the Guest Lecture which will be held on: Day/Date: Monday, 15 December 2014 Time: 09.00 WIB until finished Place: 4th Floor Hall, Building A FIA UB Presenter: Prof . Chung-hee Lee (Department of Political Science and Diplomacy — Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Characteristics: … Read more

Guest Lecture from Online Computer Library Center Inc.

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Students of the FIA UB Library Science Study Program are notified to attend the Guest Lecture which will be held on: Day/Date: Thursday, December 4 2014 Time: 08.00 WIB until finished Place: Hall, 4th Floor, Building A FIA UB Presenter: Online Computer Library Center Inc . Characteristics: MANDATORY Participants are: 1. All Library Science students class 2011 and 2013 2. Students... Read more

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