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Library Knight Achievement

  Assalamualaikum Wr. Wrb Syalom Om Swastiyastu Namo Buddhaya Good afternoon, Library Knights! On this occasion there is information about the Library Knights who have just won an achievement in the National Poster event by BEM FIP UNNES 2021. We congratulate Khoritul Khayat from class of 2018 who has made the name of Library Science Study Program FIA UB proud. Passion for … Read more


Number : 6116/UN10.F03.01/PP/2021 Malang, 15 June 2021 Attachment : 1 File Subject : Certified Independent Internship and Study Program Dear. Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya With regard to the Main Performance Indicators of Higher Education according to Kepmendikbud Number 754/P/2020, one of the implementations is the Certified Independent Internship and Study Program (MSIB) which is a program … Read more

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