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[Open Recruitment] Student Mentor for Religion-Based Character Development

Assalamu'alaikmum wr wb. “Surely the true believers are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then they do not hesitate, and they strive with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah. They are the true ones.” (QS. Al-Hujurat 49: Verse 15) There is good news for you, FIA students class of 2012-2016 who want the opportunity to dedicate themselves... Read more

Conference in Netherlands, FIA UB Lecturer Invites Campus to Actively Use Social Media

From now on, campuses in Indonesia must begin to activate their interaction and marketing communications through social media more intensively. This is because prospective students in the digital era are starting to rely a lot on information available on social media to choose and decide on a college to continue their studies. That was an important point conveyed by Andriani Kusumawati MSi DBA at… Read more

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