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Announcement of Judiciary 2 February 2017

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PENGUMUMAN Nomor : 1321/UN10.F03.05.01/PP/2017   Diinformasikan kepada mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Administrasii bahwa “Yudisium” Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor ; Pendaftaran, paling lambat ; Hari                       :  Selasa Tanggal                 :  31 Januari 2017 Jam                        :  11.00 WIB Ruang  S1 Publik    :  Staf Jurusan Publik (Gedung B Lantai 5)             S1 Bisnis    :  Staf Jurusan Bisnis (Gedung … Read more

2017 Achievement Student Selection

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ANNOUNCEMENT The following is the schedule for the 2017 Achievement Student Selection Selection MAWAPRES Registration: January 10 – February 16, 2017 Faculty Level Selection: February 21, 2017 (time and place for the selection to follow) 4 files are made and each is included in a green stopmap (given name, NIM, PRODI and cellphone number) Requirements … Read more

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