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Roadshow The NextDev Telkomsel Encourages Students to Solve Urban Problems with Technology

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The development of science and technology has encouraged the emergence of new concepts in structuring human life for the better. One of these concepts is a smart city, namely the concept of urban planning by integrating technology in all aspects including government, population, health, education and transportation. So that people living in the city can improve their welfare,... Read more

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Audience of FIA UB Leaders and DPM Agreed on Uniting Vision for a Successful FIA

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In order to coordinate the implementation of student activities, the leadership of FIA UB held an audience with the Student Representative Council (DPM), Wednesday (20/5). At the meeting, the leadership provided an explanation of several complaints submitted by student organizations at FIA UB regarding facilities and academic problems. A number of FIA UB leadership elements also attended the event, including the Head of the Administration Department... Read more

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Guest Lecture for Undergraduate Library Science Study Program

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: / UN10.3 / AK / 2015 Notification to all students of the 2011 – 2014 Undergraduate Library and Information Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University regarding the holding of a Guest Lecture which will be held on: Day/Date: Monday, 25 May 2015 Time: 09.00 WIB until finish Place: ... Read more

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