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Tracer Study Graduates

Tracer Study is a study conducted by Universitas Brawijaya with a more comprehensive and in-depth aim, namely to systematically and plannedly record traces of the activities of alumni after they graduate from the university. Through a careful and comprehensive search, this Tracer Study collects more detailed data and information about the career continuity and professional development of alumni, including the type of work undertaken, the level of career success, their involvement in a particular industry or sector, and achievements or contributions what they have achieved after graduating from UB. In addition, this study also records the level of alumni satisfaction with the relevance of the education they receive at UB to the needs and demands of the world of work, and provides valuable insights for universities to improve curricula, educational programs and other campus services in order to produce graduates who are more prepared and fit with the demands of the job market as well as building closer connections between universities and alumni. Thus, Tracer Study becomes an important tool for UB in measuring the impact and effectiveness of education organized by the university, as well as building sustainable relationships with alumni in supporting the development of educational institutions towards a brighter and more competitive future.

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