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Whistlerblowing System Universitas Brawijaya

The Brawijaya University Violation Reporting System (Whistleblowing System) is a comprehensive and confidential mechanism designed to facilitate the reporting and processing of complaints regarding alleged violations and/or crimes occurring within the Brawijaya University environment. This system ensures a safe and secure environment for all members of the university community, including students, faculty, employees, and other stakeholders, to raise concerns about suspicious activities, unethical practices, or potential violations without fear of retaliation or retaliation . Through this system, individuals are encouraged to submit credible information and evidence, thereby helping to maintain the integrity, transparency, and accountability of University operations. Trained professionals manage the process to ensure the confidentiality and protection of whistleblowers, and all reported cases are thoroughly investigated and handled promptly, leading to appropriate actions being taken to correct errors and uphold the values and principles of Universitas Brawijaya .

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