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Repackaging Bumdes Tamansari Coffee by Doctor Serving UB

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Through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), the Doctor of Service, which is a routine program for doctoral lecturers, is being held again. This time, five UB Doctors from various disciplines applied the results of scientific development in terms of accelerating the development of area-based rural areas and the development of village-owned enterprises (BUMDes). This is where the Doctor serves UB focusing on the development of the institutional system and BUMDes diversification, one of which is the potential of Tamansari Village.

Tamansari Village, Licin District, Banyuwangi has various potentials, including having many lodging places to cafes to support Ijen Crater tourism. This potential is managed directly by the village community, most of which are Village-Owned Enterprise units. 

Another potential in Tamansari village is agricultural products in the form of coffee. However, Taman Sari's coffee products have not yet become a superior product supporting tourism areas, so they are not widely known by the wider community. This is also due to the fact that there is no post-harvest processing system so that the quality is low. Besides the inadequate coffee marketing system in Tamansari.

Explained by the Head of the Serving Doctoral program, Dr. Mohammad Nuh, M.Sc, the Doctor Serving team carried out institutional development and management of post-harvest coffee products for local residents.

"We provided training for BUMDES management and coffee farmer groups regarding post-panin coffee processing, packaging quality, and online marketing," explained this Doctor from the Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM).

With this Serving Doctoral program, each doctor provides training and assistance in accordance with their respective scientific fields. The Doctoral Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (FTP) trains how to manage agriculture and post-harvest coffee. There are five farmer groups in Tamansari who are taught the process of processing coffee. The Doctoral Faculty of Computer Science (Filkom) trains coffee branding and marketing.

“As for coffee packaging, doctors from the Faculty of Engineering (FT) trained. The Doctoral Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) handles coffee quality. Meanwhile, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) trains the BUMDES financial system, starting from using a financial system online that can monitor finances in a timely manner," he added.

Furthermore, through the launch event of Bumdes Tamansari coffee products with new packaging which was held last Saturday (1/12), Nuh hopes that there will be an increase in the quality of BUMDes Tamansari coffee products so that they can be recognized by the wider community so that they become superior products that bring economic benefits to the community.

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