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Dean: Welcome New Students of FIA UB

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) officially accepted 914 new students in the 2018/2019 academic year, through the opening of the PK2Maba FIA UB activity, Wednesday (15/8/2018) yesterday. The process of admitting new students yesterday was attended by the leadership of FIA UB and all lecturers and education staff. The admission procession begins with the greeting of the Dean of FIA UB, followed by the symbolic pinning of identity cards to new student representatives and the beating of the gong. 

On that occasion, the Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono MS welcomed and welcomed him to join the oldest and leading faculty of administration in Indonesia. Prof. Bambang also gave messages so that new students could grow and develop into professionals in the field of administration in the future. After that, Prof. Bambang had the opportunity to introduce the faculty leadership, professors, and lecturers who attended the ceremony. 

The 2018/2019 FIA UB new students consist of 299 students from Public Administration Study Program, 41 Educational Administration Study Programs, 42 Library and Information Science Study Programs, and 375 Business Administration Study Programs, 104 Tax Study Programs, and 53 Tourism Study Programs. The first lecture of the 2018/2019 Odd Semester will be held tomorrow Monday (20/8/2018).

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