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The Business Department of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held an ESPRIEX (Entrepreneurial Spirit Exchange) competition on April 9 2018 The biggest business model competition in ASEAN was held at UBTV. ESPRIEX was held in collaboration with international competition organizers the International Business Model Competition (IBMC) such as Brigham Young. Harvard University, and Stanford University.

The 2018 Espriex First Place is receiving prizes

The Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono MS said, the implementation of the 5th year of ESPRIEX aims to develop and create new entrepreneurs for the younger generation from universities. This year's ESPRIEX has the theme "Business Model and Lean Canvas Competition ASEAN 2018". ESPRIEX takes a lean startup, customer development, and business model approach, all of which are new approaches to building a business. But uniquely this year the participants who passed were all from Indonesia.

This year's competition was attended by 50 teams from various universities in ASEAN. Through this year's review process, Espriex chose the best Top finalists from Telkom University, Bandung Institute of Technology, Gajah Mada University, University of Indonesia, North Sumatra University, and Brawijaya University. The judges who were present to assess all the teams were R. Agoeng Hardianto Wibowo (President of the Exzellenz Institute), Aditya Candra (Director of PT MYME TALA), Kholid Mawardi, S.AB., M.BA., Ph.D (Brawijaya University Lecturer) , Adang Wijaya (CEO of PT Green Nitrogen), Mohammad Iqbal, S.Sos, M.IB (Lecturer at Brawijaya University). The winner of Espriex 2018 is the Melijo Team from Brawijaya University as 1stst Winner, Tim Schawarzchild from the University of North Sumatra as 1st Runner Up, and Team Keela from Brawijaya University as 2ndnd Runner Up. The hope is that FIA UB can synergize with campuses in Asia and can compete in the international arena.


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