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Collaborating with BPPM FIA UB, Malang Regional Representative Body Holds a Workshop on the Reform of the Roles and Functions of the Regional Coordinating Board

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[:en]Malang Regional Representative Body (Baperwil) together with Research and Community Service Agency, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (BPPM FIA UB) held a "Workshop on Reforming the Roles and Functions of Regional Coordinating Boards in the Context of Accelerating Regional Development". The activity which was attended by government representatives in East Java and academics was held in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor, Tuesday (10/10). Present as a speaker was the Expert Staff of the Minister of Home Affairs in Government Affairs, Dr. Suhajar Diantoro, Head of Commission A DPRD East Java Province H. Freddy Poernomo, SH., MH, and Head of BPPM FIA UB Dr. Mohammad Nuh, S.IP., M.Sc.

"The importance of the workshop this time is to uphold governance based governance, namely the effectiveness of democracy and administrative efficiency," said the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS. in his opening remarks. According to the Dean, democracy is not only the only demand for governance, but also for administrative functions as well. Thus, quality public services will be realized and successful implementation of government development.

(Left-Right) Moderators Romy Hermawan, Suhajar Diantoro, Freddy Poernomo, Mohammad Nuh

Adjustments to Law no. 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, which states that the Governor as the representative of the central government at the provincial level is one of the reasons for holding this workshop. The adjustment to this Law is the reason for the position of the Regional Coordinating Board (Bakorwil) whose condition is on the verge of being there and not being there. In fact, Bakorwil serves as an extension of the Governor in coordinating, fostering, supervising, supervising, monitoring, and evaluating governance, development, and co-administration tasks in optimizing the potential of Regency/City Regional Governments. With the elimination of BAKORWIL, the governor's task becomes even more difficult.

Head of Baperwil Malang Drs. Suprayitno, M.Si explained that in this event there was also discussion regarding coordination between Bakorwil 1 (Madiun), 2 (Bojonegoro), 3 (Malang), 4 (Pamekasan), and 5 (Jember) regarding the development of tourism villages in East Java to increase tourist visits. From this step it is hoped that tourists who come will not go directly to other areas (outside East Java). "East Java Province has extraordinary tourism potential that can be developed, so that increased tourism in East Java can also be a milestone in improving the economy," said Suprayitno.[:]

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