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Conference in Netherlands, FIA UB Lecturer Invites Campus to Actively Use Social Media

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From now on, campuses in Indonesia must begin to activate their interaction and marketing communications through social media more intensively. This is because prospective students in the digital era are starting to rely a lot on information available on social media to choose and decide on a college to continue their studies.

That was an important point conveyed by Andriani Kusumawati MSi DBA to International Conference on Social Media Marketing (ICSMM) 2017 at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. The lecturer at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) was also one of the speakers at the first international conference in the world which raised the theme around the use of social media in global marketing activities.

Andriani Kusumawati (right) receiving souvenirs from the conference committee

Through the article entitled "Social Media Impact on Students' Choice of University”, Andriani explained about the rapid development and use of information technology recently, including social media. Doctor of Business Administration This graduate of the University of Wollongong, Australia, found that prospective students, as a generation who are internet literate, are very dependent on all information available on social media, including information about various universities in Indonesia. As a result, the decision to choose a college will also depend a lot on the information available on the social media. "Universities in Indonesia need to understand this current trend, so they must start activating communication channels with prospective students through social media to be able to recruit them as new students," said Andriani.

The conference itself this year takes the theme "It's about the Essence of Engagement”. Researchers interested in marketing through social media from various countries attended the event, including from the plains of Europe such as Germany, Greece, Poland, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Turkey, and the Netherlands itself. In addition, scientists from the United States were also present, in addition to Asian and African countries such as Taiwan, South Korea, Ghana, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia.

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