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Talkshow with Alumni and Doctoral Program Students of FIA UB at Jakarta Marketing Week 2017

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In organizing Jakarta Marketing Week 2017, FIA UB really all out in filling out the session provided by MarkPlus Inc as the organizer. After delivering the material by the Secretary of the Department of Business Administration, Mohammad Iqbal DBA, FIA UB invited three people from alumni and doctoral students to the main stage. They are Sunu Widyatmoko (alumni, former CEO of AirAsia Indonesia), Ahmad Bambang (student, Special Staff to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises), and Dwi Wahyu Daryoto (student, head of one of the BUMNs). Apart from that, Dida was also present among the audience, the Chairperson of IKA FIA UB and alumni of FIA UB across generations.

(Left-right) Mohammad Iqbal, Ahmad Bambang, Sunu Widyatmoko, Dwi Wahyu Daryoto

In the session, the three invitees expressed their positive impressions while studying at FIA UB. Sunu Widyatmoko, for example, said that he was pleased with the developments in the quality of current students. According to Sunu, he visited FIA UB several times at the invitation of the Department of Business Administration to become a jury for the 2017 Esprix Business Model Competition and to discuss topics related to business with students. He admits that the quality of students at FIA UB has increased rapidly, and he feels comfortable discussing with students. "They are almost 20 years old with me, but they can express quality opinions freely on topics related to current business developments," said the man who succeeded in restoring AirAsia Indonesia's prestige when it had an unfortunate accident several years ago.


Talkshow with FIA UB Alumni and Students

Besides that, Dwi Wahyu Daryoto also conveyed a positive impression about the study process at FIA UB. According to the man who is currently completing his doctoral program, the lecturers at FIA UB really support the teaching and learning process. Daryoto revealed that he did not hesitate to send messages via the WhatsApp application to lecturers to ask something he did not understand. Even the lecturers, Daryoto continued, always responded well to the messages he sent. "The fluency of this kind of communication is an important capital for me to facilitate the learning process," said Daryoto.

At the end of the event, FIA UB presented a special performance by the Administratio Choir. The choir group, which has won several awards in international choir competitions, presents two re-arranged folk songs, making it interesting to watch. This appearance also succeeded in attracting the attention of Kota Kasablanka Mall visitors who came to attend the Jakarta Marketing Week or just shop or take a walk.   

Administrative Choir Appearance

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