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Peaceful Demonstration Activities

It was announced to the Academic Community of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) that the Arek Penanggungan Community Forum (FPAP) on Monday, 13 October 2014 would hold a Peaceful Demonstration on the Street in connection with the implementation of a one-way lane on Jalan Mayjen Panjaitan by the Malang City Government and demanding Jalan Mayjen Panjaitan returned 2-way 24 hour lane.

Action activities were carried out at 09.00 WIB until there was a positive decision from the Malang City Government involving 2,500 people consisting of RT/RW elements throughout Penanggungan Subdistrict, Community Leaders, Youth Leaders, Mass Organizations and PMII Malang.

This is this notification so that the UB Academic Community can anticipate this action in advance.


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