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Roadshow The NextDev Telkomsel Encourages Students to Solve Urban Problems with Technology

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The development of science and technology encourages the emergence of new concepts in structuring human life for the better. One of these concepts is a smart city or smart city, namely the concept of city planning by integrating technology in all aspects including government, population, health, education, and transportation. So that the people living in the city can improve their welfare, reduce the cost of living and resource consumption, and encourage the involvement of citizens more effectively and efficiently.

These things underlie one of the major telecommunications vendors, Telkomsel, to participate in the development of the smart city by searching for young talents in the 2015 Digital Creative Indonesian Competition. To do this, Telkomsel held a roadshow to several areas, one of which is the city of Malang in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB, Wednesday (20/5). The event, which was packaged in the form of a talk show, presented Telkomsel's VP of Technology and System Ivan Cahya Permana, Assistant I of the Malang District Government Ferry Hari Agung, MT, as well as two people who had previously successfully carried out Telkomsel's mission, namely LayangLayang Mobile CEO Prasetyo Andy and Google Developer Expert. Yohan Totting. Hundreds of students from various campuses also seemed enthusiastic about attending this event.

VP Telkomsel Ivan Cahya Permana
VP Telkomsel Ivan Cahya Permana

Telkomsel's VP of Technology and System Ivan Cahya Permana said that building a smart city requires support from various stakeholders who collaborate with each other, starting from government, academics, communities, developers, media, and the private sector. Each of them, continued Ivan, has their respective duties and roles. For example, Telkomsel as a private party will provide working capital. "Through the #NextDev event, Telkomsel wants to encourage students and the general public for application developers to make a positive contribution in solving problems in cities by utilizing information technology," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Laboratory of FIA UB Brillyanes Sanawiri revealed that this activity could encourage students to be able to see opportunities behind problems. Students, continued Brillyanes, must be able to be part of solving community problems, especially by utilizing their mastery of technology. "In this way students can move from just living for consumptive thoughts to using technology for the good of society," added the man who is familiarly called Brilly.

Furthermore, Brillyanes said that this collaborative activity between Telkomsel and the laboratory he leads is a form of follow-up of the collaboration built between FIA UB and MarkPlus, Inc which was founded by Hermawan Kartajaya. “The initial momentum was a public lecture by Mr. Hermawan Kartajaya yesterday. Furthermore, together we want to bring FIA to a higher international level," he said. (ALA/FIA)

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