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Developing an International Insight, Public Administration Department Holds International Student Internship in Malaysia

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With the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) coming into effect in 2015, students' insights as agents of change in the future should not only be limited to the national scope but also internationally, at least in the ASEAN region. This is what underlies the strategic collaboration between FIA UB and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) in organizing joint activities, one of which is International Internship. To mark the start of the activity, the Department of Public Administration yesterday (18/5) held a Farewell Ceremony for 17 students of Public Administration Study Program who would carry out this program on the UUM campus for two weeks.

In his opening remarks, the Director of the UB International Office, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ifar Subagiyo, M.Agr.St said that these years were the time for Universitas Brawijaya to develop towards the international world by carrying out student exchange activities. According to him, this activity is very useful for broadening the body of students' knowledge about the international world so that in the future his party will continue to support the implementation of this kind of program. "This FIA International Internship is the fourth in UB after the Faculty of Animal Husbandry in collaboration with Australia, then Faculty of Law with Ling Shing University, and FIB with universities in Japan," he explained.

Direktur IO UB, Rektor UB, Dekan FIA, dan Kajur Administrasi Publik
Director of UB IO, UB Rector, Dean of FIA, and Head of Public Administration

Meanwhile, UB Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri stated the importance of increasing the competitiveness of UB's human resources at the Asian level, and one of the activities that can achieve this goal is this international internship. For this reason, in the future, his party will continue to strengthen the existence of the International Office so that access to cooperation with the international world will be easier. "We have a vision that UB must achieve Asian competitiveness in 2018 and global competitiveness in 2025, so that the support of all study programs will be invaluable," said the professor of the Faculty of Engineering.

Tujuh belas mahasiswa peserta Magang Internasional
Seventeen students participating in the International Internship

This international internship activity is the third series of collaboration between FIA UB and UUM. Previously, the Department of Public Administration had held five International Lectures and five International Seminars by inviting lecturers from both campuses. Scheduled for Wednesday, May 20 2015 tomorrow the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS will give an International Lecture at the UUM campus. (ALA/DAY/FIA)

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