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Alumni Celebration, the Dean Advised Be Proud to Be a Qualified Faculty Alumni

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Today, Sunday (10/5), the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) officially released 114 graduates from the Diploma, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral programs. The release was carried out officially in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor, FIA UB and was attended by all faculty leaders, graduates, and parents of graduates.

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In his speech, Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS said that this graduation felt special for several reasons. First, because there is one Diploma III Tourism graduate who has actually entered the UB Vocational Program. However, because of his great enthusiasm to continue graduating as an FIA UB alumni, the Assistant Dean III granted his request. Second, there are two graduates from outside Indonesia, namely Abdullah Mohammed from Libya and Salem Mohammed from Yemen. "This graduation also feels special because we have the arrival of one of the successful FIA UB alumni, namely Drs. Masykuri, MM who currently serves as Deputy Regent of Kediri," added Prof. Bambang asked Masykuri to stand up.

Furthermore, the Dean of FIA UB also conveyed the realization of strategic cooperation with several campuses in the United States which was established when he visited the United States a few days ago. Campuses that collaborate with FIA UB include Brigham Young University, Harvard University, Stanford University, Middle Tennessee State University, and Murray State University (read: FIA UB Development Plan in the Field of International Cooperation, Facilities, and Student Affairs). "We need to convey this so that the alumni have their own pride in being graduates of a quality faculty that is recognized internationally," added this friendly professor.

On that occasion, Drs. Masykuri, MM was asked to represent the parents of graduates to provide impressions and messages. He told the audience about his struggle to become a graduate in 1983. At that time he failed one course and had to take the exam four times. However, he is grateful that his struggle is one of the provisions for him in carrying out his duties as a leader in this country. “According to a history, one word of knowledge is worth 300 dirhams. Just count how many words of knowledge your lecturers have given you, they will definitely not be reciprocated. "So instead, pray for goodness to our lecturers and fathers," he said to the alumni.


At the Brawijaya University Graduation Period VIII, FIA UB graduated 114 people with details of 1 Diploma III in Tourism, 36 Bachelor of Public Administration, 45 Bachelor of Business Administration, 16 Bachelor of Taxation, 5 Master of Public Administration, 4 Master of Business Administration, and 7 Doctors of Administrative Sciences. The highest GPA achiever was Samira Hanim, S.AB with a GPA of 3.97, daughter of Mr. Hanif Abdullah Alamsy. (ALA/FIA)

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