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Farewell and Welcome Head of the New FIA Administrative Section

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As of 6 February 2015 yesterday, Drs. Painting Edi Kuncoro no longer serves as Head of Administration Section of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB). He was replaced by Ir. Praise Kusmanto. Meanwhile, Edi, Painting Edi Kuncoro's nickname, changed his mandate to become Head of Procurement Section with an office in UB's Rectorate Building. For this reason, on the day of the commencement of their new assignment yesterday, a Farewell event was held for the Head of Administration Section which was attended by all educational staff and officials of departments and study programs within FIA UB.

Dekan FIA Prof. Bambang Supriyono (tengah) menyerahkan kenang-kenangan kepada Kabag TU lama Drs Lukisan Edi Kuncoro (kanan)
FIA Dean Prof. Bambang Supriyono (center) handed over a memento to the former Head of Administration, Drs Painting Edi Kuncoro (right)

In his speech, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, on behalf of the entire academic community, welcomes Puji as the new Head of TU. Meanwhile, to Edi, the Dean advised to always bring good memories while at FIA and erase bad memories. "God willing, the people at the FIA will be patient, so Pak Puji won't have too much trouble adapting. And to Pak Edi, congratulations on carrying out your new assignment," said the Professor of Public Administration.

Prof. Bambang continued that until now there are several FIA UB lecturers who have received additional mandate in several institutions at the university level. The newest four people are Dr. Edy Yulianto who currently serves as Head Job Placement Center (JPC) UB, Dr. Endah Setyowati who serves as Assistant Director of the UB Postgraduate Program, Dr. Riyanto who serves as Director of UBTV, and Dr. Zainul Arifin who serves as Head of UB Archives.

On the same occasion, FIA UB also gave compassion to Herry Santoso who has entered his retirement period. Previously, Herry served as an FIA Driver and had done his job very well.

Dekan FIA Prof Bambang Supriyono menyerahkan tali asih kepada Herry Santoso (kanan)
FIA Dean Prof. Bambang Supriyono handed over the rope of compassion to Herry Santoso (right)
Lukisan Edi Kuncoro (batik hijau) dan Herry Santoso (tengah-hem putih) berfoto bersama Dekanat FIA
Painting of Edi Kuncoro (green batik) and Herry Santoso (middle-white shirt) posing for a photo with the FIA Dean

We pray that the new officials will be given convenience and blessings in their work by Allah SWT, and for those who have retired, hopefully all their good deeds will receive a multiplied reward from Him. (ALA/FIA)

*More photos can be seen at FIA UB Unofficial

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