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Three Takushoku University Professors Hold Double Degree Program Student Interviews

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As a continuation of one of the many forms of collaboration that exists between FIA UB and many leading universities in the Asian region, three representatives from Takushoku University, Japan, visited FIA UB. They are Prof. Fujimoto Koji, Prof. Yoshino, and Prof. Kajiwara. Their arrival yesterday (16/1) was to conduct interviews with students of the Master of Public Administration Program who are undertaking the Dual Degree program (Double Degree).

Wawancara mahasiswa Program S2 Administrasi Publik oleh tiga profesor Takushoku University
Interviews with Public Administration Master's Program students by three Takushoku University professors

As is known, this Double Degree program is taken by students of this program with one year of study at FIA UB and the next year at Takushoku University. Before they leave for Japan, Takushoku University needs to know in advance the research design for the thesis they will write there later. So, both parties can discuss the theme that will be raised according to the willingness of the supervisor in Japan.

Previously, the three Takushoku University lecturers met with UB Chancellor Prof. Dr. Ir. Moh. Bisri in her office. Accompanied by the Head of the Master of Public Administration Program, Dr. Irwan Noor and Dr. Andi Fefta Wijaya, they explained the form of cooperation that had been built together with FIA UB to the Chancellor. On this occasion, the Chancellor expressed his joy at the establishment of this collaboration. According to him, this will support efforts to make UB a World-Class University.

Tiga Profesor dari Takushoku university bertemu dengan Rektor UB
Three Professors from Takushoku University met with the Chancellor of UB

Apart from Takushoku University, FIA UB, supported by Bappenas RI, also collaborates with several other campuses in Japan for this Double Degree program, including GRISP University, Ritsumeikan University, APU University, and Tohoku University. (ALA/FIA)


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