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Adapting the Curriculum to the Current Developments, the Tourism Study Program Holds a National Curriculum Development Workshop

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The essence of a study program is the curriculum, and a good curriculum must be in line with market needs because it must be able to produce a high level of graduate absorption, at least with a waiting period of six months. If not, then the study program has the potential to be disbanded. That is a message from the Chancellor of Brawijaya University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri when giving a speech at the National Seminar and Workshop "Development of the Tourism Education Paradigm and Preparation of the KKNI-Based Tourism Curriculum". The event organized by the FIA UB Tourism Study Program on Thursday (15/1) was held in the 4th Floor Hall of FIA UB.

Rektor UB Prof. Moh. Bisri saat memberikan sambutan
UB Rector Prof. Moh. Bisri giving a speech

Prof. Bisri expressed his gratitude for the approval of 22 study programs within Brawijaya University, and one of them is the Tourism Study Program. The next task is to immediately apply for accreditation as best as possible for the convenience of prospective students. "Moreover, the Minister has stated in the mass media that study programs that do not pass accreditation can be disbanded," continued the Professor at the Faculty of Engineering while showing a newspaper clipping showing this news.

Rektor UB, Dekanat FIA, dan para narasumber
UB Rector, FIA Dean, and the speakers

Meanwhile, Chief Executive Yusri Abdillah revealed that this activity is a series of requirements that must be met for the preparation of study program accreditation forms, especially in relation to the preparation of a curriculum that is in line with developing trends in the world of tourism today. "Therefore, we invite representatives from academics and practitioners in the tourism sector so that we can get real input for preparing the curriculum for this study program," added the Japanese graduate doctor who serves as Head of the Tourism Study Program.

Direktur Pengembangan Wisata Minat Khusus Kemenpar RI Akhyaruddin Jusuf
Director of Special Interest Tourism Development of the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism Akhyaruddin Jusuf

Acting as the main speaker at the event were Akhyaruddin Jusuf (Director of Special Interest Tourism Development, Indonesian Ministry of Tourism), Prof. Azril Azahari (Chair of the Indonesian Tourism Scholars Association), Sutomo Djahuri (Professional Certification Institute), and Dr. Kusdi Rahardjo (Senior Researcher in Business Administration at FIA UB). Apart from that, the event was also attended by several representatives of academics and practitioners from Gadjah Mada University, the Department of Culture and Tourism in Greater Malang, several leading hotels in Malang City, the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park Hall, and the Angkut Museum Tourist Park. (ALA/SP/DP/FIA)

*Photos of activities can be seen on the Facebook Page FIA UB Unofficial.

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