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Activity Publication Preparation Training

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On Monday, December 9 2013, Training on Preparing News Publications was held for Web Technical Managers and Implementers of each work unit within the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University.

This activity is held at 09.00-finish, with details of the activity can be downloaded at the link SCHEDULE OF PUBLICATION TRAINING ACTIVITIES ON THE WEB.

This training was opened by the Dean of FIA UB, Prof.Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS In his speech, the Dean of FIA UB said that this event was very important to increase publications at FIA UB. He hopes that this event can increase the knowledge and abilities of web managers in making publications. Furthermore, it is hoped that each web manager will be more active in publishing activities in each unit.

Dekan FIA UB, PD III selaku pengarah PSIK, Prof. Syamsiar berfoto bersama para pembicara.
Dean of FIA UB, PD III as director of PSIK, Prof. Syamsiar took a photo with the speakers.

This training was attended by four speakers, including:

1. Mrs. Pranatalia Nugraheni, SAB., Publication Coordinator of Brawijaya University who provided material on news creation and publication SOPs within Brawijaya University. Material from the first speaker can be downloaded at the link PRODUCTION OF NEWS & SOP.

2. Mr. Suprapto, ST, MT, Coordinator of the Brawijaya University Internal Supervisory Unit (SPI) for IT, who provided material about Webometrics, Web Sites within Brawijaya University, and the position of the FIA UB Web Site among other Web Sites within Brawijaya University. The second speaker material can be downloaded at the link WEBOMTRICS and Websitefia.

3. Mr Dody Widodo Handani, Director of Bening Photography, who provided material on tips for creating attractive web designs. The third speaker material can be downloaded at the link INTERESTING DESIGN TIPS FIA UB.

Pembicara Memberikan Materi Pelatihan
Speakers Provide Training Materials

4. Mr. Swasta Priambada, S.Sos, MAB, member of the Information Systems and Public Relations Management section of Public Relations and Publications (web), who provided material on Web Development at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University. The fourth speaker material can be downloaded at WEB development at FIA UB.

Hopefully this event can be useful for increasing the knowledge and skills of web managers in the FIA UB environment. Furthermore, it is hoped that it can increase the motivation and creativity of web managers to actively publish on each unit's website. This can improve FIA UB's webometrics in particular and help improve Brawijaya University's webometrics in general, in order to support Brawijaya University's goal of achieving a World Class University.



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