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Three Countries Will Participate in International Seminar on Public Administration Department

The Public Administration Department of FIA UB will again hold an international seminar. The seminar will discuss issues related to “Political Economy Policies of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand in facing the ASEAN Economic Community“. Interestingly, this topic will be reviewed from the perspective of three countries at once, namely from the perspective of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia itself as the host.

Four resource persons from three countries are ready to provide their views on this topic. They are:

  • Prof. Dr. Mohd. Fauzi Yaacob (Malaysia)
  • Assc. Prof. Ahmad Martadha Mohammed, Ph.D (Malaysia)
  • Pol. Capt. Vichien Tansirikonghon, Ph.D (Thailand)
  • Dr. Mardiyono, MPA (FIA UB – Indonesia)
Ahmad Martadha Mohammed (Malaysia), salah satu narasumber
Ahmad Martadha Mohammed (Malaysia), one of the speakers

This seminar will be held free of charge for all FIA UB academics, especially students and lecturers in the Department of Public Administration. The event will be held on Thursday, March 17 2016, starting at 09.00 WIB, in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor.

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