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Profile of The Faculty of Administrative Sciences

  The following is the schedule for the implementation of the Comprehensive Examination and Judicial Procession which will be held during the Even Semester of the Year

The following provides information regarding the link for submitting applications for Academic Transcripts for Undergraduate Program students, Department of Public Administration and

The following information is presented regarding the application for a Certificate of Active Study for Undergraduate Students in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences at the University

Following up on many requests to extend the MBKM registration period, we have extended the MBKM registration period until Friday, 2

The following is a Circular for the Implementation of Lectures in the 2024 Simultaneous Elections SE Lectures in the 2024 Elections

ANNOUNCEMENT No. 1044/ UN10.F03.01/PP/2024 Inform all students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University regarding Semester activities
