S1 : Universitas Brawijaya
S2 : Bandung Institute of Technology
Human Capital Management
- Business Statistics
- Introduction to Business
- Human Resource Information System
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Introduction to Organization Studies
- Human Resources and Planning and Development
Fahreza, D., Setyono, L., & Nurtjahjono, G. (2023). How to improve Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture? Equity: Economic Journal, 11(1), 67-79. https://doi.org/10.33019/equity.v11i1.164 |
Nurtjahjono, GE, Setyono, L., Sugiastuti, RH, & Fisabilillah, RJ (2023). Predicting turnover intention through employee satisfaction and organizational commitment in Local Banks in East Java. PROFIT: Journal of Business Administration, 17(1), 94-102. |
Setyono, L. (2023). Strategy to Increase Salary Satisfaction of Y Generation Employees to Enhance Job Performance (Case Study on Kompas Gramedia). Indonesian Business Journal, 14(1). |
Saifi, M., Hidayat, K., Setyono, L., Sandi, K., Kurnia, L., & Aina, AN (2022). Does intellectual capital affect firm performance through financial policy? KnE Social Sciences, 789-804. |
Siswanto, E., Takada, A., Kurniawan, DT, Prasasti, A., Fachrunnisa, R., & Setyono, L. (2022, May). Designing Village Idea Lab as Digital-based Incubator of Ideas and Innovation in Efforts to Establish New Entrepreneurs on Village Youth in East Java. In 2022 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON) (pp. 1-5). IEEE. |
Setyono, L. (2021). The Influence of Islamic Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty at Bank Muamalat Malang Branch. Publicuho Journal, 4(2), 239-247. |
Setyono, L., & Pujiastuti, Y. (2021). Strategies for Facing Environmental Dynamics in the Industrial Age 4.0 Using Learning Organization. PROFIT: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JOURNAL, 15(2), 14-23. |
Heru, S., Alfrian, FD, Langgeng, S., & Siti, B. (2019) The Effect Of Talent Management On Employees' Innovative Work Behavior And Commitment To Change. |
Setyono, L. (2018). Managing Global Human Capital and Information System in Digital Transformation Era in Indonesian Manpower Placement Services. International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences, 3(3), 470-476. |
Digitalization of Tourism Promotion and Optimization of Featured Products Based on Local Commodities in the Ngebel Tourism Area, Ponorogo Regency |
Building an Entrepreneurial Culture Among Youth Based on Local Wisdom to Support the Development of Ngebel Lake Tourism |
Implementation of a web-based application for independent driver management at MSME Digital Transporter Partners in the greater Malang area |
School Management Training for Implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum at Maarif Educational Institutions in Malang Regency |
Processing dried earthworms as an effort to increase the income of the people of Kasembon Village, Bululawang District, Malang Regency |
Counseling on Talent Interests for Teenagers in Preparation for Determining Study and Career |
Post-Covid19 Community Economic Empowerment through Improving the Governance of Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) Jatisari Village, Tajinan District, Malang Regency |
Efforts to Increase Digital Literacy Capabilities for Non-Formal Education Teachers Through Method Training and Making Learning Media in Jambon, Pakis, Malang Regency |