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Position: Assistant Professor
Categories: Lecturer in the Department of Public Administration, Lecturer in Library Science Study Program

SIKom., MA

S1 University of Lampung

Masters Degree at Gadjah Mada University

Social Network Analysis


  1. Rozikin, M., & Muslim, A. (2021). The Determinant Factors of School Organizational Change in Madura, East Java, Indonesia. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10(1), 308-316. Scopus Q4
  2. Amin, K., & Pratama, BI (2020). Invisible college in the relationship between the doctoral candidates and their supervisors in Indonesia. Annals of Library and Information Studies (ALIS), 67(2), 81-89. Scopus Q3
  3. Soebakir, DR, Pratama, BI, & Hair, A. (2020). Mapping Political Memes After the 2019 Indonesian Presidential General Election. Kanal, 8(2), 58-66. Accredited by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Sinta 5
  4. Rozikin, M., Muttaqin, A., Pratama, BI, Putra, E., Kumalasari, KP, Sugiastuti, RH, & Ningsih, DNC (2020). Evaluation of Student Affairs Services in Higher Education in East Java. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 7(1), 49-55. Scopus Q4
  5. Kriyantono, R. & Pratama, BI (2019) Utilization of licensed computer games Free Software as an anti-corruption learning media for children. Journal of ABDIMAS BSI: Journal of Community Service. 2 N0.2
  6. Pratama, BI (2019), Mapping of Indonesian Communication Department. Malaysian Communication Journal (Malaysian Journal of Communications),Vol 35 (1) Scopus Q3
  7. Nandiwardhana, BG, Pratama, BI, & Tamitiadini, D., (2019) Study of Communication Network Travel-Related eWOM on Instagram Social Media. Pekommas Journal. Volume 4 (1) Accredited by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Sinta 2
  8. Pratama, BI & Amin, K. (2018), Academic Inbreeding Of Communication Science Program Study In Indonesia-Academic Inbreeding in Communication Studies Programs in Indonesia. Journal of Communication and Public Opinion Research, 22(2) LIPI Accredited / Ristekdikti SINTA Accredited 2
  9. Pratama, BI, & Ulfa,. AAI (2017) Discourse Networking Analysis AS Alternative Research Method In Communication ScienceJournal of Communication and Public Opinion Research. Vol 21.No. 2 LIPI accredited
  10. Pratama, BI, Kriyantono, R., & Febriani, N. (2017). Identifying Local Wisdom In Anti-Corruption Education Of Malang's Elementary School. RJOAS Vol. 8 No. 68.
  11. Magdalena, A., Kriyantono, R., & Pratama, BI (2015). Public identification based on situational perceptions on issues surrounding the 2014 presidential election to the Malang city public. PEKOMAS, 19(1). SINTA 2 Ministry of Research and Technology Accreditation
  12. Pratama, BI (2015) Position of Indonesian Computer Software Market Actors: (Case Study of State and Society Positions in the Memorandum of Understanding of the Government of Indonesia and Microsoft 2006). Journal of Communication Studies, University of Tarumanegara, Vol. 6 No. 2 SINTA 2 Ministry of Research and Technology Accreditation