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Old Student Registration at Universitas Brawijaya Odd Semester 2016 – 2017

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 4143 /UN10/AK/2016 OLD SEMESTER STUDENT REGISTRATION OF BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY ODD SEMESTER 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR DIPLOMA, GRADUATE, POSTGRADUATE AND SPECIALIST PROGRAMS 1 Announced to all students of Universitas Brawijaya to register for Odd Semester of 2016/2017 Academic Year with the following conditions: following: I. ADMINISTRATIVE REGISTRATION Payment of tuition fees can be made on the 16th … Read more

Collection of Graduation Requirements for Period XII, 2015/2016 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period XII TA 2015/2016 (27 August 2016) Specifically for Study Program/S1 level, it is mandatory to submit validation graduation documents on: Day : Monday - Friday Date : 8 - 12 August 2016 Place : Sub. Student Affairs Section of FIA – UB Time: Working Hours The Announcement of File Collection … Read more

Announcement of Yudisium 25 August 2016

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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 10285/UN10.3/AK/2016 It was informed to the students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences that "Yudisium" Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs; Registration, at the latest; Day : Monday Date : 22 August 2016 Time : 15.00 WIB Room : Public Department Staff & Implementation Business Department Staff ; Day : Thursday Date : 25 August 2016 Time : … Read more

Circular of the 2016 Student Credit Transfer Program

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Based on a letter from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs Number 404/B2/LL/2016, it was notified that Kemristekdikti would implement a Student Credit Transfer program to several countries in ASEAN, ASEAN Plus Three and Europe/ASEM. Kemristekdikti allocates a budget for 50 PTN and PTS students throughout Indonesia. For Universities participating in the Credit Transfer Program… Read more

Announcement of Dress Rehearsal and Collection of Graduation Gowns for Period XI of 2015/2016 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE CLEAN RELADY at FIA – UB For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period XI (July 30 2016) will be held on: Day / Date : Friday / July 29 2016 Time : 08.30 WIB Place : Hall of Building A Floor IV FIA – UB For Candidates graduates are required to take part in the Dress Rehearsal. Toga and Invitation Collection will be held… Read more

Cooperation Proposed Hero Candidates for Indonesia 2016

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In relation to the Heroes for Indonesia 2016 program from MNCTV, it is a program to reward selected figures for selflessly dedicating their lives for the benefit of the people. Inspirational figures were chosen from various backgrounds and regional origins. MNC sets a number of criteria with requirements, one of which is that the figure must be nominated by another party. Please … Read more

Announcement of Yudisium 5 August 2016

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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 9859/UN10.3/AK/2016 It was informed to students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences that "Yudisium" Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs; Registration, at the latest; Day : Tuesday Date : 2 August 2016 Time : 15.00 WIB Room : Public Department Staff & Implementation Business Department Staff ; Day : Friday Date : 5 August 2016 … Read more

Announcement of Study Evaluation

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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 9829/UN10.3/AK/2016 With regard to Administrative and Academic Registration for Odd Semester Academic Year 2016/2017 and the implementation of System-based Study Evaluation by Universitas Brawijaya, all Undergraduate Program (S1) students batch 2009 to 2012 who have not completed their studies (not yet carry out a comprehensive exam) to attend on: Day : Monday – Friday Date : 15 – 19 … Read more

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