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KRS Late Announcement online

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 12054 /UN10.3/AK/2016 Notified to students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences who have not done KRS Online (have made tuition payments) are required to attend: Day : Thursday and Friday Date : 15-16 September 2016 Hours : 09.00-15.00 WIB Room: Academic sub-division, Building B Floor 1, FIA – Department of Public Administration … Read more

National Seminar on Digitalization, Commodification and Politicization of Media Information

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Dear Activists and Observers of Media, Public Relations, and Communication Studies Students In the context of the 56th Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), in collaboration with the National Press Monument (Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia), we hereby invite you to attend the "Seminar National: Digitalization, Commodification and Politicization of Media Information”, which was held on: Day/date : Thursday, 15 September … Read more

Collection of Graduation Files for S-1 Period 1 2016/2017 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT For Candidates for Graduates/Wati Period I TA 2016/2017 (24 September 2016) Specifically for Study Programs/S-1 Level, it is mandatory to collect the validated Graduation Requirements Files on: Day: Monday - Friday Date: 5 - 9 September 2016 Venue : Ch. FIA – UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours Following is the Announcement of the Collection of Graduation Files for the S-1 Program Period... Read more

Class Distribution of MABA Batch 2016

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In the following, we inform you about the division of classes for new students of 2016 Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya: Educational Administration Study Program Class: A NO NIM NAME 1 165030900111001 VELDA BELLARETTA 2 165030900111002 ANNISA OCTAVIANA FAJRIANTY 3 165030900111003 MARTIN CANDRA PRATIWI 6 165030900111006 SEVI … Read more

Announcement of 2016/2017 UB Postgraduate Student ORDIK Implementation

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ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF STUDENT ORDIK OF POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM UNIVERSITAS BRAWIJAYA TA. 2016/2017 In connection with the activities of Education and Student Orientation (ORDIK) for Postgraduate Program Students at the University of Brawijaya for the 2016/2017 Academic Year, and based on the Chancellor's Decree Number: 32 of 2016, Concerning General Instructions for Implementation of Introduction to Campus Life For new students, it will be announced to: New students who… Read more

2016 Scientific Writing Competition

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In order to build tourist destinations in forest areas in East Java, the East Java Provincial Forestry Service held a Scientific Writing Contest with the theme "The role of students in building natural tourist destinations in East Java forest areas". For academics who wish to participate can see complete information on this link. Thus from us, for your attention and cooperation conveyed... Read more

Completion of KRS Odd Semester Academic Year 2016/2017

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 10934/UN10.3/AK/2016 Notified to all students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, that in the framework of KRS programming for Odd Semester Academic Year 2016/2017, students are required to face the Academic Advisor Lecturer by bringing the KRS draft to carry out academic consultation before programming KRS online. The online KRS schedule is carried out from: Day: Monday to Friday... Read more

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