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Provision of World of Work Prospective Graduates Period IV 2017/2018 Academic Year for Undergraduate Programs

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] PENGUMUMAN Nomor: 15833/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Pembekalan Dunia Kerja Bagi Calon Wisudawan/wati Program Sarjana Periode IV TA 2017/2018 (11 November 2017), akan diselenggarakan pada: Hari             :    Sabtu Tanggal       :   4 November 2017 Pukul           :    08.00 WIB – selesai (Peserta wajib hadir tepat waktu) Pemateri    : Wiwin Lukitohadi, S.Psi, SH., CHRM, Prasetyo Iskandar, ST Tema           : Job … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Period IV Graduation Files for 2017/2018 Academic Year

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] PENGUMUMAN Nomor: 15832/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Bagi Calon Wisudawan/wati Periode IV TA 2017/2018 (11 November 2017) khusus jenjang Sarjana (S1), WAJIB mengumpulkan berkas syarat Wisuda yang sudah divalidasi pada : Hari         : Senin – Jumat Tanggal  : 30 Oktober – 3 November 2017 Tempat  : Subbag. Kemahasiswaan FIA – UB Pukul      : … Read more


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ERROR OF ODD UTS ROOM FOR 2017/2018 GRADUATE PROGRAM In the following, we convey the Odd Mid Semester Examination Room (UTS) Odd Academic Year 2017/2018 Undergraduate Program. can be downloaded here. Thus this notification is conveyed. Please be advised


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According to the Academic Calendar of Universitas Brawijaya for the 2017/2018 Academic Year, Mid Semester Examinations (UTS) Odd Academic Year 2017/2018 Undergraduate Program of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA – UB) will be held on 16 – 28 October 2017. Here we send the Odd Semester UTS Schedule The 2017/2018 Sajrana Program which can be downloaded below: UTS Study Program Schedule … Read more

Implementation of Dress Rehearsals and Collection of Period III Graduation Gowns for the 2017/2018 Academic Year

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[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 14515/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Implementation of Dress Rehearsals and Collection of Graduation Gowns Period III of 2017/2018 Academic Year (14 October 2017) on: Day/Date : Friday/13 October 2017 at : 08.30 WIB – finish Place : Hall Floor 4 Building A FIA UB For prospective graduates, it is MANDATORY to take part in rehearsals … Read more

Provision of World of Work Prospective Graduates Period III 2017/2018 Academic Year for Undergraduate Programs

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[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 14514/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 Provision of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates of the Undergraduate Program Period III FY 2017/2018 (14 October 2017), will be held on: Day : Saturday Date : 7 October 2017 Time : 08.00 WIB – finished (Participants must be present on time) Speakers : Wiwin Lukitohadi, S.Psi, SH., CHRM, Prasetyo Iskandar, ST Theme : Job … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Period III Graduation Files for 2017/2018 Academic Year

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[:en] ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 14513/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2017 For Prospective Graduates Period III for the 2017/2018 academic year (14 October 2017) specifically for the Bachelor (S1) level, it is MANDATORY to submit the graduation requirements files that have been validated by : Day : Monday – Friday Date : 2 – 6 October 2017 Place : Subdivision. FIA – UB Student Affairs Time: Hours … Read more

MABA Photo Update 2017 at SIAM UB

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 8318/UN10/A01/PP/2017 UPDATE OF 2017 NEW STUDENT PHOTOS AT SIAM UB In connection with the imminent printing of Student ID Cards (KTM) for new students in 2017, we announce to all UB new students a few things as follows : All new students class of 2017 are required to re-upload a passport photo at SIAM. Uploading a new passport photo with… Read more

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