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No NIM Name of Study Program 1 155030101111005 INDIRA NOER ROHMAWATI,S.AP. S1 Public Administration Science 2 155030100111035 AGNES WIDIAWATY NAIBAHO,S.AP. S1 Public Administration Science 3 155030107111027 REVA KURNIAWAN BHASKARA PUTRA,S.AP. S1 Public Administration Science 4 155030100111086 MEGAWATI BINTANG,S.AP. S1 Public Administration Science 5 155030100111019 ERNI,S.AP. S1 Public Administration Science 6 145030101111117 ZAKIYYATUN NAFIISAH,S.AP. S1 Administrative Science … Read more

Announcement of Period I Dress Rehearsal and Graduation for 2019/2020 Academic Year

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:: Dress Rehearsal Dress Rehearsal at FIA-UB Must be attended by Prospective Graduates Period I of 2019/2020, which will be held on: Day, Date: Friday, 6 September 2019 Time: 08.30 WIB Place: Hall, 4th floor of the building A FIA UB :: Taking the Toga and Invitations The taking the toga and invitations will be held on: ... Read more

Announcement of Collection of Graduation Requirements for Period I 2019/2020 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 9698/UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period I TA. 2019/2020 specifically for the Undergraduate level, it is MANDATORY to submit validated graduation requirements files on: Day: Monday - Friday Date: 19 - 30 August 2019 Place: Bag. FIA UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours Thus, thank you for your attention and cooperation. … Read more


Welcome New Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya in 2019, congratulations on being part of the history of the work of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya. Campus life in fact has a difference with the world of school. Therefore, an introduction to campus life needs to be done to provide an overview to new students so that they are better prepared to live the world of lectures. PKKMABA FIA 2019 … Read more

List of Yudisium Participants for the 01 August 2019 Period Undergraduate Program

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List of Graduates of Student Students of Bachelor Study Program (S-1) Public Administration Science No Name NIM 1 Roro Ayu Estiningtyas 155030100111037 2 RINGING NALINDRA 155030100111057 3 SITI MUKAROMAH 155030101111125 4 MUDZAFFAR ISMAIL 155030101111038 5 Dewi Nurkholilah 155030100111009 9 Astika Rahmawati Ardini 155030101111088 10 Donny … Read more

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