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SIAM Information Invitation for 2016 MABA Parents

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Number :  2882/UN10.F03/PP/2017

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Subject: SIAM information




Dear. : Parents / Guardians of Students

                           Class of 2016/2017

                           in place



In order to improve the quality of services and implementation of teaching and learning, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya will organize activities to be held on:


Date: March 25 2017

Time: 09.00 WIB – finished

Place : 

  1. Public Department: Hall on the 3rd floor of Building C FIA UB
  2. Business Department: Hall on the 4th floor of Building A FIA UB

Program : 

  1. Socialization of Academic Information Systems (SIAKAD) in Higher Education
  2. Submission of Student Study Result Cards (KHS).
  3. Handover of SIAM "Password" to Parents of New Students (Class of 2016/2017)


Considering the importance of this activity, we ask parents of students to attend this activity and not be represented.


For your attention and good cooperation, we thank you.



Malang, 24 February 2017





Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS

NIP 196109051986011002


Cc to Dear. :

  1. Assistant Deans
  2. Heads of Departments
  3. Heads of Study Programs
  4. KTU
  5. Head of sub-divisions
  6. files

in the FIA UB environment


Notes :

To confirm attendance, please contact:

  • Public Department: Mr. Ahtam (085746153003)

                                         Mrs. Dita (081216217272)

  • Business Department: Mr. Bisri (085331073287)

                                         Mrs. Dwi (08125208615)

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