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Semester Exam Rules


article 1
Obligations for Examination Participants

(1) Examination participants must be present 10 (ten) minutes before the examination begins.
(2) Examination participants are required to bring a Student Identity Card (KTM).
(3) Examination participants are required to bring their own writing instruments and other necessary equipment.
(4) Examination participants are required to put bags and items that are not needed in front of the class.
(5) Examinees are required to maintain order and smoothness before and after the exam.
(6) Examinees are required to turn off all communication devices during the exam.
(7) Examinees may use the calculator in accordance with the instructions for the questions.
(8) Examination participants must dress and wear shoes politely and neatly.

Section 2
Prohibition for Examination Participants

(1) Examinees who are present more than 15 (fifteen) minutes after the exam starts are prohibited from entering the exam room (written exam, take home, collect papers/assignments and other types of exams).
(2) Examinees who cannot show their Student Identity Card (KTM) are prohibited from taking the exam.
(3) Examinees are prohibited from leaving the examination room during the examination.
(4) Violations included in category I are as follows:
a. Put it on the table/bench and/or use any paper/sheet other than that provided by the faculty examination committee, for whatever purpose.
b. Using any source of information that can help, during closed-book exams.
c. Using books and/or notes that are not permitted by the lecturer.
d. Copying, imitating and/or copying the work of other examinees.
e. Give other participants the opportunity to copy, imitate and/or copy their work.
f. Exchange or hand over exam questions/answer sheets with other exam participants.
g. Opening and/or using any form of communication device, for any purpose or purpose.
h. Collaboration with other exam participants in any form and for any purpose.
i. Trading, stealing and/or giving exam questions and/or answers that are being and/or will be carried out to other parties with any intent and purpose.
j. Intimidating and/or bribing other parties to obtain information about exam questions.
k. Replace and/or be replaced by other participants in taking the exam.
(5) Violations included in category II are as follows:
a. Make movements that are considered suspicious by the exam supervisor, code/signal to other examinees for any purpose.
b. Leave the exam room during the exam, unless you have submitted your answer sheet.
c. Wearing clothing, footwear and accessories that are deemed by the exam supervisor to be impolite.
d. Carrying out movements/activities which according to the supervisor may disturb the participants and/or the implementation of the exam.

Article 3
Sanctions for Exam Participants

(1) Examinees who arrive late at the exam room exceed the tolerance limit and/or do not bring and show their Student Identity Card (KTM), are not allowed to take the exam, are not allowed to take the follow-up exam for the course and the course grades on the day and time was aborted.
(2) Examinees who leave the room during the exam are deemed to have completed the exam on that schedule, are not allowed to continue the exam and are not entitled to apply for a follow-up exam for that course for any reason.
(3) Examinees who commit category I violations are subject to sanctions in the form of being expelled from the exam room, not allowed to take follow-up exams and cancellation of the relevant course, up to cancellation of all study plans for the semester concerned.
(4) Examinees who commit category II violations are subject to sanctions in the form of being expelled from the exam room, not allowed to take follow-up exams and the grades for the course are disqualified.

Article 4
Additional Rules

(1) Academic sanctions imposed on any violations during midterm and final semester examinations, refer to the UB Education Handbook, Chapter III Education System, Article F concerning Educational Sanctions.
(2) The maximum academic sanction imposed for any violations during the midterm and final semester exams is the cancellation of all courses programmed in the semester concerned.
(3) Maximum academic sanctions will be imposed on students who have committed category I violations in previous semesters.
(4) Students' belongings that were confiscated when committing an offense can be taken back at the Head of Academic Subdivision by the student's parents/guardians by submitting a statement letter that will not repeat the offense committed, stamped on Rp. 6,000,-

Article 5

(1) All forms of violations against the implementation of the exam, which have not been listed in the regulations, will be regulated later and given sanctions in accordance with the policies of the Faculty Leaders and applicable regulations.
(2) Other matters that have not been listed in the provisions above and if it is deemed necessary to make improvements and/or changes to the provisions mentioned above, will be regulated later based on the policies of the Faculty Leaders and the applicable provisions.

Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS
NIP. 19610204 198601 1 001

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