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In accordance with the Lecture Rules in the Handbook of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, then:

  1. Students who take less than 80 % courses, are not allowed to take the Semester Final Examination for the subject in question, the maximum number of alphas is 2 x
  2. If a student does not attend class, permission must be obtained from the supervising lecturer at the time the lecture is taking place, either because of illness, assignment from the Faculty/University (Dispensation), or for some other reason. If you don't have time to convey it to the lecturer, specifically for students who are absent due to illness, a doctor's certificate can be submitted to the academic section no later than 3 days from the doctor's statement, while students who receive assignments from the Faculty/University (dispensation) letter of dispensation can be submitted before the activity takes place or no later than 3 days after the activity is finished to the academic section.
  3. What is meant by dispensation: are students who are given assignments or permitted by the Faculty or University in order to take part in Scientific Writing, Art, Sports Competitions, etc. as ambassadors who carry the good name of the Faculty or University.
  4. Those authorized to give assignments and grant permits in the context of point number 3 are: Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor, Dean, Assistant/deputy Dean, Head of Bureau, Head of Department/Head of Study Program.
  1. PENALTY :
    1. If it does not fulfill as in point 1, students are not allowed to take the Semester Final Examination in that course.
    2. If it is not in accordance with points 2,3 and 4 above, it will not be served.


and Dean,

Assistant Dean I

Khairul Muluk, Dr.,M.Si.,S.Sos
NIP. 197105101998031004



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