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Socialization of Online KRS Programming Procedures and Techniques for New Undergraduate Students Batch 2015


In order to equip students to understand the procedures and technical programming of KRS Online, it is hereby notified to all 2015 Batch students to attend:

Tuesday, January 26 2016 (All Study Programs and Interests under the Department of Public Administration)
Wednesday, January 27 2016 (All Study Programs and Interests under the Business Department)

O'clock: 09.00 WIB – Done
Place: Hall 4th Floor of Building A FIA
Program: Socialization of Online KRS Programming Procedures and Techniques

For students who NOT PRESENT without justifiable reasons, then to the person concerned unable to file a complaint when it happens KRS Online programming error.

The implementation of the Online KRS Program was opened on 1 – 5 February 2016 due to technical considerations and faculty policies.

So that it can be a concern for all students.


Thank You,
FIA UB Academic Subdivision

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