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National Seminar on Digitalization, Commodification and Politicization of Media Information

Dear Media Activists and Observers, Public Relations, and Communication Studies Students

In the context of the 56th Anniversary of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), in collaboration with the National Press Monument (Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia), we hereby invite your presence to the event "National Seminar: Digitalization, Commodification, and Politicization of Media Information", which was held on:

Date and time : Thursday, 15 September 2016
Time : pk. 08.00 – 12.00 WIB
Place : Savanna Hotel, Jl. Lt. Gen. Sutoyo 32-34, Malang

which will be attended by:

1. Dr. Rosarita Niken Widyastuti, M.Sc
Director General of Public Information and Communication, Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia
“Digitalization and Commodification of Media”

2. Drs. Bambang Semedi, MM
State Palace Journalist 4 President & Former TVRI Journalist
“Media Convergence”

3.Dr. Suryadi, MS
Communication and Mass Media Expert, Lecturer in Public Administration Department of FIA UB
“Politicization and Media Reality”

Moderators: Ainul Hayat, M.AP. (Lecturer of Public Administration Department of FIA UB)

This activity is held FREE AND OPEN FOR THE PUBLIC, but LIMITED TO 50 SEATS, and the same agency/institution can only send a maximum of 2 representatives.

For this reason, those of you who are interested and can ensure that you will attend this activity, are welcome to register at:

Mr. Aulia Luqman Aziz, M.Pd
SMS or WhatsApp: 081 8538 212
by mentioning FULL NAME (for certificate) and ORIGIN OF INSTANCE/INSTITUTION

Registration can be done no later than Tuesday, 13 September 2016, at 15.00 WIB.

Thus we convey this invitation. Thank you for your attention.

Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS.
Dean of FIA UB

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