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2014 Annual Program Preparation Work Meeting

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Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held the 2014 Annual Work Meeting. Meeting participants included the Dean, Assistant Deans, Heads and Secretaries of Departments/Study Programs, Heads of Administration, Heads of Subdivisions, Treasurers of PUMK (Activity Advance Payment Holders) and several supporting staff technical. The Work Meeting was held at the Royal Orchids Hotel Batu for 2 days, Saturday – Sunday (January 18-19 2014), discussing academic policies, student policies, financial and staffing policies, Department Work Programs and Study Programs, as well as several discussions related to quality improvement services at FIA UB. Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS. who directly opened the meeting conveyed the importance of improving performance and quality of service as a whole in order to increase competitiveness and competence. Participants in the meeting were divided into three groups, namely Academic, Finance and Personnel. The Dean hopes that the results of this meeting can be a reference in developing faculties in a better direction this year. [wem]

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