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UAS Room Odd 2016/2017 (update 29 December 2016)

In the following, we inform you about the schedule and room errors for the 2016/2017 Odd Semester Final Examination for Undergraduate programs at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, as follows:

  1. Error 1
    1. Public Study Program
      1. MK. Organizational Communications
        • Class : A
        • Lecturer: Sukanto, Drs, MS
        • Friday
        • Date : January 6, 2017
        • Time: 15.30 WIB
        • Original Space : A.2.9
        • MOVED to the room: A.4.2
      2. MK. Governance Theory
        • Class C
        • Lecturer: Andhyka Muttaqin, SAP, MPA
        • Monday
        • Date : January 16, 2017
        • Time: 07.30 WIB
        • Original Space : A.3.7
        • MOVED to the room: A.4.2
    2. All Study Programs
      • all exams that were originally scheduled in room F.1.9 MOVED to room C.3.3 (Hall of Building C Floor III)
  2. Error 2
    1. Interest in Development Planning
      1. MK. Organizational Behavior and Development
        • Class : A
        • Lecturer: Sukanto, Drs, MS
        • Friday
        • Date : January 6, 2017
        • Time: 13.30 WIB CHANGED to: 15.30 WIB
        • Room : F.1.3  CHANGED be room F.1.3

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