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UB FIA Photo Contest 2018

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Photography hobby? Want to contribute to a more peaceful Indonesia?

Come on, join the photo competition from FIA UB!

In order to celebrate its 58th Anniversary, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Photo Competition with the theme "United in Diversity and Diversity in Unity."

The requirements that must be met include:
1. Open to UB students
2. Photo with a background in UB
3. The work has never been published before
4. Work must be original
5. 1 participant 1 work

Important Schedule:
Online Registration: 2 October – 12 October 2018
Photo submissions: October 2 – October 13, 2018

Online registration via the website:
Photos sent by e-mail: with file format NAME – TITLE . Send with email subject: FIA UB Photo Contest.

Register immediately and win a total prize of millions of rupiah!

Contact Person: Afwega – 082140141141

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