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Changes in Lecture Sessions During Ramadhan 2017

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In connection with the month of Ramadan, there are changes to the duration of lecture hours, namely as follows:

Session O'clock Duration (40 minutes/sks)
Session 1 06.30 – 08.30 120 minutes
Session 2 08.30 – 10.30 120 minutes
Session 3 10.30 – 12.30 120 minutes
Session 4 12.30 – 14.30 120 minutes
Session 5 14.30 – 16.30 120 minutes


After the month of Ramadan class hours returned to normal.


Thus from us, thank you for your attention.




Malang, 26 May 2017

An Dean,

Assistant Dean I




Dr. MR Khairul Muluk, M.Sc

NIP. 19710510 199803 1 004

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