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Announcement of the Judiciary for the Period of 24 April 2020 for the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral Degrees of FIA UB

The following are the names registered in the Judiciary on 24 April 2020 for the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences:

List of Judicial Names 24 April 2020

Regarding SKL (Certificate of Passing) and Temporary Transcripts will be sent via e-mail of graduation participants or if necessary sent via correspondence address. Therefore, it is requested that yudisium participants be able to complete valid and correct e-mail data and correspondence addresses at the yudisium registration officers for each level or study program.

Thus this notice, thank you for your attention.


Malang, 24 April 2020

An. Dean

Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs



                                                                                                                                                                             Yusri Abdillah, S.Sos, M.Si, Ph.D.

                                                                                                                                                                             NIP. 19741227 200312 1 002




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