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Announcement of UB Library

List of 2013/2014 Even Semester students taking the course Information Retrieval so I can return it immediately Maritime Safety Security Journal 2013 Edition 1 and 2 are as follows:

  1. Dea Pristotia Anggi R
  2. Manzilatus Shokhfatin N
  3. Isaac Yogi
  4. Risman Kadir
  5. Rani Atika Fatmala
  6. Intan Mayang Putri
  7. Tyara Dea Pramita
  8. Evi Luthfiatur Rohmah

If the journal is not returned immediately, the person concerned will be subject to sanctions in the form of:

  • Can't borrow books or anything
  • Unable to process UB Library Dependency Free Certificate (as a Graduation requirement)

Thus, thank you for your attention.

FIA UB Academic Subdivision


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