Number: 1348/UN10/AK/2014
Subject: Implementation of Graduation Period VI 2013-2014 Academic Year
Regarding the fulfillment of quotas Graduation Period VI 2013/2014 Academic Year, we hereby notify you of the following:
- Graduation procession executed on date April 5, 2014.
- There are no cancellations or replacements for graduation participants.
- The graduation rehearsal was held on Friday, April 4 2014 at 15.00 WIB at Samantha Krida UB.
- Faculties can accept invitations from graduates starting April 1 2014, by bringing proof of graduation payment.
- Students can take invitations at their respective Faculties after the Faculties take invitations from the Rector.
- The costs for the graduation ceremony are paid through BNI 46 to the Rector's Account of Universitas Brawijaya Number 0039649406
- The Head of Academic Subdivision or Head of Student Affairs Subdivision immediately reports to BAAK UB:
- List of repeat graduates.
- The best graduates and
- Double Degree Graduates / Foreign Students (if any)
- Online Registration for Graduation for the next period opens today Monday, April 7 2014
To see the list of graduates/graduates, please see here. Thus, we thank you for your attention and cooperation.
An. Rector
Vice Chancellor I
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suharto, MS
NIP. 19530709 198002 1 002