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[Open Recruitment] Student Mentor for Religion-Based Character Development

Assalamu'alaikmum wr wb.

“Surely the true believers are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then they do not hesitate, and they strive with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah. They are the true ones.”
(QS. Al-Hujurat 49: Verse 15)

There is good news for you, FIA students class of 2012-2016 who want the opportunity to devote yourself to Mentoring Development Activities which, God willing, these activities will provide good benefits.

What is mentoring (?)
Mentoring is an activity for FIA students in the form of a facility to gather and share Islamic knowledge led by mentors and attended by new FIA students batch 2017 as a fostering of spiritual values and a means to create an Islamic-valued life for new FIA students in 2017.

So, how do you register?
For registration as follows:
1. FIA students must first fill out the online data collection form from 29 August to 28 September 2017 via the link:
2. Then, FIA students must print the registration file via the following link:
3. The printed form must be filled in and returned along with other requirements on September 4 - 8 2017 and collected in the PSIK FIA UB Gd B room, 2nd floor.

What are the facilities provided?
The FIA UB mentor will be entitled to:
1. Upgrading Islam
2. Coaching.
3. Certificate.

Come on, make yourself a student of FIA UB which is beneficial for campus life in the future!

for information, you can go through:
Gilar (Student) : 081937783038
Devi (Student) : 085717939665

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