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Guest Lecture by the Head of the National Disaster Management Agency

No. 4905/UN10.3/AK/2015

Notified to student PRodi S1 Public Administration Science, Interest in Adm. Science. Government, Development Planning Interests And Doctoral Study Program Of Administration Science, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, in connection with holding a Guest Lecture on:

Date and time: Tuesday/31 March 2015
O'clock: 09.00 WIB until finished
Place: FIA Building A Hall, 4th Floor
Speaker: Dr. Syamsul Ma'arif, S.IP., M.Si
Theme: BNPB's Role and Work Program in Disaster Management in Indonesia

To students taking the following courses:

  1. Capita Selecta Class B
  2. Class A Public Bureaucracy Theory
  3. Comparison of Class B Government (Government Interest)
  4. Political Economy of Development Planning Class B (Interest in Planning)
  5. Class C Disaster Management (Planning Interest)
  6. Administrative Reform and Regular Government 1 (Doctoral Program)

REQUIRED TO ATTEND on these activities and proof of attendance is counted as face-to-face lectures. So thank you for your attention.

An. Dean
Head of Public Administration Department
Dr. Choirul Saleh, MS

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